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BBC euros intro titles 2020/2021 ANimation

It was a real honour to work on the BBC Euros 2020 intro titles for Chief with Ben McFarlane and Yoni Weisberg at the helm. It was a real feat from everyone involved and a pleasure to get to work with such talented, passionate people. This is probably going to be the most viewed animation i've ever worked on and it's amazing to get to see it go out. Hats off to the whole team


Production Company - Chief
Producer, Creative & Head of post - Ben McFarlane
Director & Creative: - Yoni Weisberg

Animation / Edit - Ben Dauré

Animation / 3D - Prateek Mathur

Animation / 2D - Marjolaine Lebrasseur

Animation / 3D - Jack Lynch

Football Illustrations - Dave Flanagan

Cultural Illustrations - Zeppo Creative

Design & Illustration - Yoni Weisberg

Audio Design & Mix - Nice Sound

Creative Lead BBC Sport - Mark woodward

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